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Lung Cancer

It refers to malignant tumors occurred in the bronchus and lung and it threatens to life because it is keep growing by destructing surrounding tissues if it occurred as other cancers. Lung cancer is divided into non-small-cell-cancer and small-cell-cancer according to the size and form of cancer cells in microscopy.


You can expect the complete recovery by surgical treatment after diagnosing initially.

Squamous cell carcinoma

It is mainly found in the central part of lung and common in men and related to lots of smoking.


It occurs frequently in the pneumonial peripheral. It occurs in women or non-smokers and there are many occasions of metastasis even if the size is small.

Large cell carcinoma

It occurs mainly in the penumonial peripheral and about the half occursin the large bronchi. Cells size are generally big and the parts of them have tendency of rapid metastasis and proliferation so that prognosis belongs to bad, compared to non-small-cancer.


It occurs firstly in the airway (bronchi or bronchioles). Generally, malignant degree is strong so that surgical resection will be difficult to proceed when entirely diagnosing with metastatis state toward mediastinal, opposite lung or other internal organs through blood circulation and lymphatic vessel at the moment of finding it.

Cause and provoking factors of Lung Cancer

Lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis and silicosis, and smoking, passive smoking, environmental pollution, asbestos, radiation, genetic factors and etc.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Early cancer does not have any symptoms because there is no nerves inside the lung. Importantly, the symptoms of lung is similar to that of most of the respiratory diseases including cold and it is recommendable to see a medical specialist if sputum lasts more than 2~3 weeks.

  • Chronic cough: In case that it lasts longer than 3 weeks, you need a doctor’s precise diagnosis.
  • Bloody sputum or hemoptysis
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Hoarse voice
  • Arm edema: Breast, arm, face are swollen by pressure of this blood vessel in case that lung cancer is placed in the surrounding of opposite vein connected to heart.
  • Bone pain and fractures: There is a pain in case of lung cancer bone metastases and fractures occur without trauma.
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Increased lymph node: It can be touched because lymph node around neck is getting bigger.
  • Weight loss, anorexia, helplessness, nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

  • Chest x-ray examination : It can judgeed whether there is simply a lump in the lung or not as a the basic test of organ.
  • Chest computed tomography (CT filiming)
  • Sputum cytology : It is the inspection method to find cancer cells inside the cells what sputum is mixed.
  • Bronchoscopy : It is the inspection method to remove distinctly seen cancer with 1~2mm biopsy forceps after observing directly main bronchus and bronchus, 3-4 times more divergent by putting endoscopyin bronchial
  • Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology : It is the inspection to judge whether is is real lung cancer or not as a tissue inspection after getting lung cancer tissue or cells by pricking in lung cancer with a needle through the skin after topical anesthesia.
  • Thoracoscopy : It refers to the device which can do biopsy or surgery or observe inside chest only a small wound by using an endoscope device.
  • Additional tests for staging : Addition tests for staging before starting therapy for patients diagnosed with lung cancer are as follows;
    - Body bone scan
    - Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    - Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    - Whole body positron emission tomography (PET)
    - Endoscopic mediastinal

Treatment of Lung Cancer


It is performed when it is thought that lung cancer spread over the whole of one side as a resection surgery method of the entire lung on one side.


: It is performed that it confined to the one lobe of lung of tumor as ] a surgery removing one lobe of the lung.

Sleeve resection

: It is the surgery method to glue in original place lung lobe beyond cancer, after cutting only organ nearby and cancer when it is in the central part and it has the greater effect for the preservation of parenchymal.

Wedge resection

: It is performed that lung cancer is very early stage or when there is a cancer in a small part as a surgery method removing cancer tumor when cancer is in a small part.

KMH Recommended Tips

  • No smoking is the most effective and important preventive method.
  • Please receive the dental examination in advance before treatment because dental treatment is impossible during chemotherapy.
  • Lung cancer is not related to foods generally. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to change largely dietary life and it will do no harm to intake foods suited to his or her taste usually when lung cancer is diagnosed.
  • It can occur pain because of the generation of air and liquid on the surgery part after lung resection surgery. You have to manage yourself as follows in order to prevent lung cancer;
    - Light activity or short time exercise regularly
    - Lessening light pain by topical poultice or oral analgesics
    - Continued deep breathing exercises for the activation of lung function
    - Right position exercises
    - Avoiding Irritants to cause coughing (pollution, dust, hair spray, pungent aroma, etc.)
    - Using the smoking places in public places, if possible.
  • Please try to consult with medical staff in order to understand coping skills about chemotherapy and postoperative side effects.
  • There might be having a variety of ups and downs in emotion of cancer patients ranging from the stage of cancer diagnosis. You have to know related information in order to get professional help as needed for the management of emotional change and mental stress.
  • Examination of body state all the time by visiting hospital regularly and being fully aware Notice related to treatment in addition to this.

Recommend Hospital

Asan Medical Center is the largest hospital in Korea. AMC's first-class doctors and specialists, cutting-edge equipment, and advanced patient care system are the factors behind its position as the leader of Korea's medical society.

Chung-ang University hospital provides the best service to patients with its excellent medical staffs and professionals of each department for medical development and improvement of public health.

With the love of God, free humankind from disease and suffering Yonsei University Health System was founded in 1885 as Korea's first institution to practice western medicine. Over the years, YUHS has become one of the largest and leading medical institutions in Korea.

Equipped with the advanced medical service infrastructures, SMC is leading the new hospital culture in Korea by being the best hospital in high-tech medical services and providing the patient-centered medical services in the genuine sense.