Lipotransplant is one of the breakthrough anti-aging procedure using purified autologous fat. Unwanted or excessive fat is collected and purified to be grafted on the area where it lacks youthful volume due to natural course of aging including wrinkles and sagging. Lipotransplant is also performed to restore volume of atrophied breasts. Stemcell Lipotransplant method applies stemcell technology on lipotransplant procedure in order to maximize the rate of engraftment. Although the procedure of collecting and transplanting purified fat is identical with regular lipotransplant, the use of adult stemcell increases the engraftment rate which leads to semi-permanent result of skin tone improvement and youthful volume. (Oblige Plastic Surgery only use stemcells that are accurately extracted in our Stemcell Laboratory, and academically proven technology.)
Procedures of Stemcell Lipotransplant
1. Collect unwanted fat from buttocks, abdomen, thighs
2. Separate pure fat using centrifugal fat purification system
3. Transplant purified fat into the desired area
Advantages of Stemcell Lipotransplant
• Leaves no scars with the use of non-incision method
• Able to proceed lipotransplant on multiple areas at once
• Able to return to normal daily life from the day after surgery including washing and makeup
