Oblige Plastic Surgery
Oblige Plastic Surgery in Daegu provides top quality specialized medical services with skilled plastic surgeons and latest medical equipment. Come and experience the advanced plastic surgery care system Oblige has to offer.

Office Hour
We are closed on Sundays and national holidays.
10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 16:00 |
our Specialty

1. Eyelid Surgery: There are two common methods for eyelid surgery; one is creating a clear eyelid crease by removing sagging skin, muscle, fat layer on the eyelid through the incision, and the other is making a series of small holes on the eyelid for a continuous buried-suture to pass through to create the crease. Existing simple buried-suture method only made a few knots which rather had higher probability for the knots to be undone. Continuous Single knot buried-suture method firmly integrates skin and fascia on the entire length of an eyelid crease, thus, resulting in clearer and natural looking eyelid crease without getting undone.
2. Ptosis Surgery: Weak levator palpebrae superioris muscle causes droopy eyelids which covers part of pupils and makes one’s eyes to look smaller. Shortening vertical length of levator muscle exposed through the incision can make the eyes to be opened wider.
3. Upper Blepharoplasty: Excise sagging skin above eyelash to create younger looking eyes.
4. Under Eyebrows Resection: Excise thicker skin below eyelashes to reveal sagged and covered eyelid crease and diminish fine wrinkles around the eyes. Surgical scars are barely noticeable.
5. Lower Blepharoplasty: Under eye wrinkles removal. Excise sagging muscle and skin parallel to eyelashes right below the lash line for those have thinner skin with no fat. Fatty bulges underneath the eyes can also be corrected through lower blepharoplasty.
6. Conjunctival Eye Bag Surgery: The incision is made through the inner side of the eyelid to eliminate eye bag if you don’t have many fine lines under eyes with good skin elasticity. Conjunctival eye bag surgery doesn’t leave much bruise or swelling.
7. Epicanthoplasty: Epicanthal fold removal surgery is done to create more prominent upper eyelid crease. Compared to existing epicanthoplasty that often leaves visible post-surgical scar line, new surgical method effectively eliminate epicanthal fold without the scarring by separating and removing the excess skin of upper eyelid through minimal incision and relieving adhesion of the skin of lower eyelid and canthus ligament.
8. Lateral Canthoplasty: Lateral canthoplasty is performed to create a wider eye by lengthening the outer part of the eye through an incision, and also to adjust the angle of Mongolian slant.
Open / Closed Rhinoplasty

1. Open Rhinoplasty
• Advantages: (100% Autologous Cartilage) More precise correction is possible by accurately analyzing the internal structure of the nose.
• Disadvantage: Scar mark on the bottom of columella strut (The area is not easily noticeable and the scar generally disappears after 3 months.)
2. Closed Rhinoplasty
• Advantages: Create an incision inside the nose. No visible scar on the outside.
• Disadvantage: Complete correction is difficult due to the lack of visibility on the internal nose structure. It is important to receive the surgery by experienced surgeons.
① Flat Nose – Silicone and ear cartilage is generally used for height enhancement. (autologous dermal tissues can be used.)
② Hooked Nose – Complete correction of a hump on the nasal bridge and cartilage is required to minimize the possibility of recurrence.
③ Overturned (Short) Nose – Inserting nasal implant would make overturned nose even more elevated due to lack of dermal tissue. Autologous cartilage transplant must be accompanied according to the ratio with the length of your face during open rhinoplasty.
④ Hawk (Long) Nose – Cartilage on the nasal tip is resected and rotated upward with open rhinoplasty.
⑤ Crooked Nose – In addition to aesthetic factor, crooked nose often causes difficulty breathing normally. Although aesthetical side of slightly crooked septum can be correctly with silicone implant done in closed rhinoplasty, complete correction of septal and lateral cartilages through open rhinoplasty is required.
⑥ Wide Nasal Bone – Reduce the width nasal bone with lateral bone osteotomy. Height enhancement surgery can be accompanied with autologous cartilage if needed.
⑦ Revisional Rhinoplasty – Revisional surgery is performed when you are not satisfied with first rhinoplasty because of the unnatural look, aesthetically unsatisfied, or inserted implant is visible
⑧ Non-Incision Tip Plasty – By artificially creating volume on the line between collumella and upper lip, you can gain 3 dimentional nasal tip and lip line.
Stemcell Lipotransplant

Lipotransplant is one of the breakthrough anti-aging procedure using purified autologous fat. Unwanted or excessive fat is collected and purified to be grafted on the area where it lacks youthful volume due to natural course of aging including wrinkles and sagging. Lipotransplant is also performed to restore volume of atrophied breasts. Stemcell Lipotransplant method applies stemcell technology on lipotransplant procedure in order to maximize the rate of engraftment. Although the procedure of collecting and transplanting purified fat is identical with regular lipotransplant, the use of adult stemcell increases the engraftment rate which leads to semi-permanent result of skin tone improvement and youthful volume. (Oblige Plastic Surgery only use stemcells that are accurately extracted in our Stemcell Laboratory, and academically proven technology.)
Procedures of Stemcell Lipotransplant
1. Collect unwanted fat from buttocks, abdomen, thighs
2. Separate pure fat using centrifugal fat purification system
3. Transplant purified fat into the desired area
Advantages of Stemcell Lipotransplant
• Leaves no scars with the use of non-incision method
• Able to proceed lipotransplant on multiple areas at once
• Able to return to normal daily life from the day after surgery including washing and makeup
our Doctors

Dr. Jae-Ho Jung (M.D., Specialist in Plastic Surgery)
• Head Professor & Chief of Plastic Surgery Dept., Yeungnam University Hospital
• Exchange Professor, Pittsburgh University, PA, USA
• Training Course, MD ANDERSON Cancer Center
• Council & Official Member, Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
• Director & Official Member, the Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
• Official Member, the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons
• Director, Korean Breast Cancer Society
• Official Member, the Korean Society for Microsurgery / Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
• Official Member, International Confederation of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
• Director, Korean Society for Biomaterials & Korean Society for Stem Cell Research
• Chairman, International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Science in 2009

Dr. Hyo-Heon Kim (M.D., Specialist in Plastic Surgery & Hand Surgery)
• Served as Professor, Plastic Surgery Dept., Yeungnam University Hospital
• Exchange Professor & Completed training, Hospital of Harvard Medical School
• Trained under Dr. Koshima - head professor of Plastic Surgery Dept., School of Medicine, Tokyo University
• Trained at Sapho Clinic for Rhytidectomy / Nagumo Clinic for Mammoplasty in Japan
• Official Member, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
• Legislative Council & Official Member, Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
• Official Member, the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons
• Director of International Cooperation & Official Member, the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand
• Official Member, International Federation of Society for Surgery of the Hand
• Official Member, the Korean Society for Microsurgery & Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
• Official Member, International Confederation of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- - Specialized in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- - Ph.D in Implantalogy, College of Medicine, Korea University
- - Served as an adjunct professor, College of Medicine, Korea University
- - Served as a full time dentist, Wilshire Park Dental Institute in California