Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery is a bariatric surgery designed for obese patients that involves in placing adjustable silicone lap band around the top portion of the stomach leaving smaller stomach pouch of only 15~20cc. This procedure restricts the amount of food consumed and increases the time taken for digestion, thus leaving long-term stomach fullness after each meal by adjusting silicone band placed on the upper stomach.

Advantage of Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery
The major advantage of Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery is the fact the result of weight loss can be maintained without worrying about yo-yo phenomenon as it reduces the amount of food intake itself. Abdominal laparoscopic surgery does not leave a visible scar of laparotomy. Its short operation time within 1-hour allows out-patient surgery, thus leading to short downtime as well as less pain and chance of complications. Common metabolic diseases accompany obesity includes hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidermia, menstrual irregularity, and sleep apnea can be cured or dramatically improved by Gastric Band Surgery.

Post Management of Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery
Surgery is determined after thorough analysis of a patient’s condition; nutrition, dietary habit, psychological tests, medical history, and digestive function test. Once the surgery is done, step by step dietary management education and proper gastric band adjustment must be accompanied to slowly achieve the weight loss. Skin lifting procedure is provided to tighten sagging & lose skin after the weight loss. 
