'Adjustable gastric band surgery' is the method of treating Morbid Obesity by artificially narrowing the downward path and limiting stomach intake after inserting gastric band into the part connected from esophagus to stomach. 365MC adjustable gastric band surgery is performed in laparoscope instead of laparotomy and uses the lap-band of Allegan Company which has been in use the longest and most widely.

-Technically easy to perform as compared to bypass procedures. 
-There are no anastomosis (connection between the intestines) to leak. 
-Because the duodenum is not bypassed, there is no need for iron supplementation
-Relatively rare development of long-term nutritional disturbance.
-Relative small incidence of operative complications
-Adjustable food amount to pass through stomach 

-Puncturing the gastric wall with an instrument
-Tearing the spleen causing bleeding
-Puncturing another organ with one of the laparoscopic instruments
-Damaging the band
-Pulmonary embolism
-Obstruction by the band requiring revision
-Infection of the device requiring it to be removed
-Bleeding from an abnormal vein in the hiatus requiring urgent open surgery to stop the bleeding.
