Seoul 365mc Obesity Hospital
Seoul 365mc Obesity Hospital is no.1 and the biggest Obesity Hospital studied and treats Only Obesity for 11 years in Asia. More specially, Seoul 365mc Obesity Hospital has 12 Regional Liposuction Specialists. Including Plastic Surgery Center, Dermatology, Seoul 365mc is the First Obesity Hospital certified safety and Liposuction Techniques from Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Office Hour
Closed on National Holidays and Sundays
11:00 ~ 20:00 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 | 11:00 ~ 19:00 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 | 11:00 ~ 16:00 |
our Specialty

Seoul 365mc Hospital uses a high speed "linear reciprocating” suction cannal type instrument called Microair. Tumescent fluid will be injected under the subcutaneous fat layer to soften the fat deposits before the suction. Currently we have 10 doctors at our Seoul clinic, and each doctors are specialized in specific regions of the body. We use stitch up method (sutures). Each injection site will be about 0.5 to 1cm in length. And each incision (injection site) will be given 2 or 3 stitches.
Seoul 365mc’s liposuction specialist clinicians with thousands of liposuction success cases perform surgeries themselves. The process for the Liposuction surgery would go in the following steps:
1. Visit the liposuction surgery center
2. 3D body type measurement and analysis
3. Consultation with specialists
4. Decision for surgery
5. Sterilizing air shower
6. Sedation anesthesia (residing anesthesia specialists)
7. Liposuction surgery
8. Recovery and discharge (within the day of surgery)
Gastric Band Surgery

'Adjustable gastric band surgery' is the method of treating Morbid Obesity by artificially narrowing the downward path and limiting stomach intake after inserting gastric band into the part connected from esophagus to stomach. 365MC adjustable gastric band surgery is performed in laparoscope instead of laparotomy and uses the lap-band of Allegan Company which has been in use the longest and most widely.
-Technically easy to perform as compared to bypass procedures.
-There are no anastomosis (connection between the intestines) to leak.
-Because the duodenum is not bypassed, there is no need for iron supplementation
-Relatively rare development of long-term nutritional disturbance.
-Relative small incidence of operative complications
-Adjustable food amount to pass through stomach
-Puncturing the gastric wall with an instrument
-Tearing the spleen causing bleeding
-Puncturing another organ with one of the laparoscopic instruments
-Damaging the band
-Pulmonary embolism
-Obstruction by the band requiring revision
-Infection of the device requiring it to be removed
-Bleeding from an abnormal vein in the hiatus requiring urgent open surgery to stop the bleeding.
our Doctors

Dr. Lee, Sun-Ho
- Executive Director of 365mc Foundation
- Chairman of Liposuction Academy Committee
- A Residency Center Manager of Advanced Technique of Liposuction Revision Center : Chief of Global Liposuction Education Center
- A Director of Medicine of Medical College of Kyunghee univ.
- Life A Member of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity
- 2011 Judged Korean Super model Contest
- 2012-2014 ‘Let Me In TV show’ Representative Doctor of Liposuction
- 2011 Judged Korean Super model Contest
- International A Member of American Academy of Family Medicine
- Published Liposuction book ‘100times of on Diet, One Liposuction

Dr. Kim, Ha-jin
- Seoul 365mc Obesity Hospital
- Represent Director of the Hospital
- A Doctor of Medicine at Family Medicine
- Graduated Medical school from Kyunghee University
- Chairman of Korea Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- Head of 365mc Obesity Research Center/ 365mc Networks Top Director
- Life A Member, Korean Society for the Study of Obesity
- A Member of Korean Academy of Obesity & Aesthetic Treatment
- A Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- International A Member at American Academy of Family Medicine
- Presentation at Autumn Symposium of The Transdermaltheraphy Society
- Published Obesity book ‘Obese Body Type Study’
- Specialized Region: Calf Reduction

Dr. Kim, Sung-Woo
- Seoul 365mc Center Manager at Liposuction Surgery Center
- Life A Member of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity
- A Member of Korean Academy of Obesity & Aesthetic Treatment
- A Member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- A Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- International A Member of American Academy of Family Medicine
- Specialized Region: Thighs, Abdomen

Dr. Ahn, Jae-Hyun
- Seoul 365mc Vice Center Manager at Liposuction Surgery Center
- General Surgery Specialist
- Life A Member of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity
- A Member of Korean Academy of Obesity & Aesthetic Treatment
- A Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- International A Member of American Academy of Family Medicine
- 2013 ‘Let Me In’ TV show Liposuction Specialized Doctor
- Specialized Region: Arms, Abdomen
Before & After PHOTOS
Abdomen Liposuction

Thigh liposuction

Arm Liposuction

Calf Liposuction